Cheap Ways to Pimp Your Car
Of course you’ve probably bought car detailing products to keep your ride looking brand new, but you still want it to make a statement. Maybe this is your very first car and you want to go in style. There are a number of things you can do to pimp your ride, such as placing custom stickers Melbourne, but one thing to keep in mind is that some of the things being suggested here may not be legal in your state. If you feel that this is a mod you would like to use, check with your DMV first. You don’t want to get a ticket that costs as much as your car do you? Then check it out, especially when modding the vehicle’s lights.
One of the latest trends in headlights is a conversion kit that can change those HID lamps into an awesome lightshow. The kits are reasonably cheap, usually well under $100 and can give an assortment of effects from progressing colors to various shades/levels in whites and blues. Check your DMV before displaying your modded headlights on the open road, they could be illegal and some colors most likely are.
Undercarriage Lights
Some states, such as Georgia, have banned undercarriage lights and you can get a hefty ticket for using them while your car is in motion. Of course, you ‘could’ always pimp your ride with undercarriage lights if you go to many tailgate parties after games. These provide awesome light shows and if you want others to join the fun, it’s a great way to call attention to your car where all the fun is going on.
Additionally, if you need to replace your mufflers, Simplesoundguide recommends opting for titanium ones.
Pimping Your Wheels
Getting Custom Car Wheels is probably one of the safest ways to pimp your car as there don’t seem to be any states that forbid you to use color to mod your car. Plasti Dip is one product that more and more car owners are using to add an awesome look to their rims and wheels and it is not only easy to use it is relatively cheap as well. There is an amazing number of Plasti Dip colors to choose from so go as crazy as you want.
Steering Wheel
College is a time for letting your hair down and having a great time while hitting the books. One thing that is common among college students is having a huge amount of pride in the sports teams of their alma mater. Steering wheel covers are the perfect way to display team pride and they are often available at the campus book/supply store or online at sites like eBay or Amazon. From real leather to vinyl, steering wheel covers are a must have for a totally pimped ride.
Tinting Your Windows
There are some states that have really strict laws about window tinting so be careful to stay within legal limits. You know those cops are wondering what you are doing in there if you’ve overdone the tinting level and will make it their job to stop you, even if you’ve done nothing wrong. This can be accomplished easily with thin sheets that come in a roll and you can do it yourself at home with a few tools (like a good razor) and a bit of patience. Make sure to visit a car glass replacement company if you notice any cracks on your windows or windshield.
You might also want to buy a paint protection film for vehicles to protect you car from everyday heat and car wash and many more.
Remember, always check with your DMV before making any mods that might not be quite within the law in your state. A DIY project can pimp your ride, but is a hefty ticket worth it? Probably not.