How to Select Your Trowels

When you enter a hardware store or go online looking for a trowel for the first time you will be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of options. Even if you go in for one plastering trowel, consider that there are different kinds, different brands, and different sizes. We all have our own priorities when shopping. Some may opt for the cheapest because it is best to live frugally. Others, on the other hand, may opt for the most expensive NELA plastering trowelsbecause they think the price ensures quality. When selecting trowels, these markers are not a guarantee that they are the right trowel for you. Before buying and testing the whole hardware store here are some things to consider.

What kind?

Trowels come in many types; some are suited for masonry while others for indoor wall work. Identify what kind of job you are doing and look into the shapes that get the job done. A finishing trowel is a large rectangle that is used to smoothen the surface. As mentioned in its name, it is used to finish your plasterwork. A brick trowel has a triangular nose; it is used for masonry work. It piles on the mortar or cement on bricks and is smoothened out in a motion called “buttering”. There are many other kinds of plastering trowels for large or delicate work. Find out what kind you need. You can research on your own or ask the sales representative about their suggestions.

Size and Weight

The next most important things in selecting your NELA trowels are the size and weight. Since you will be carrying your trowel throughout the job, you have to find the trowel that is most comfortable for you. The size should not be too big that you find yourself off balance when working on the upper portion of the wall. At the same time, it should not be too heavy since plastering takes time. Since different people come in different heights and have different strengths select your NELA trowel according to what fits you best. If you can, test it out in the store. See if you are can make a full range of motion before buying.


Quality is encouraged but not a must. Cheap trowels are temperamental, and they are easily destroyed, but in the hands of someone who is meticulous, they aren’t that bad when you are in a pinch. However, NELA plastering trowels and other branded ones offer advantages for those who do plastering jobs professionally. They last longer, and they don’t rust. The grip is easy to hold, which at the end of the day allows you to go through your job with more convenience.

After you have identified your needs and your budget you are ready to go buy your plastering trowels and get started on that next project.

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