Pastor Chris Hosts the ISMMN Conference, Excitement Abounds
It is hard to believe but as the days click by we are now officially under one month to go until the ISM Ministers’ Network Conference With Pastor Chris Oyakhilome which kicks off on the 30th of April and runs through the 2nd of May in beautiful Johannesburg, South Africa. Since the first conference in 2007 the ISMMN Conference has been a staple in the world of preaching for its captivating and informative lectures that leave attendees feeling fired up and ready to go bring back a new excitement to their home parish. Additionally, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome makes an effort to lay hands on and pray for every single person who attends – ensuring that this Conference will leave each and every attendee with a personal memory of this wonderful, wonderful conference. With a tuition free program and an accessible message about God this Conference is top of the line and its message spans the borders of language, culture and even continents. If you are looking for the next step in your journey of faith, consider the ISM Ministers’ Network Conference at the end of this month — you may just find that it is exactly what you were looking for all along.
Spiritually all attendees will be welcomed with open arms and given the opportunity to learn from the esteemed Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, who has over 30 years of experience and followers all over the globe. Pastor Oyakhilome is a passionate speaker and a gifted writer who has made numerous bestselling lists, in addition to leading his dynamic and diverse ministry. This conference allows you to get in touch with one of the spiritual leaders of the 21st Century and bounce ideas off of him — an opportunity that can’t be missed. Here are some free online psychic readers on heraldnet.com that you can consult to know what is going on with your life.
Not to mention that this conference will be taking place in scenic Johannesburg, one of the finest cities in the world. It is a bustling town with the finest amenities, a population nearing one million as well as an extremely active and excited church culture that will leave attendees with a hundred different ideas of how they can capture some of that excitement in their hometown. The kind folks putting together the conference have even listed ten different hotels that are within a reasonable distance of the venue, and include Johannesburg classics like the Shumba Village Lodge which allows guests to stay in their own quaint little huts tricked out with the finest amenities. The opportunity to network with other faith leaders from around the world in one of the most unique cities on the planet is an experience that the ISMMN Conference can offer that most other conferences simply can’t. If you have never made the trip to South Africa or Johannesburg than this conference is exactly for you, as the culture is so enthralling that it is extremely difficult to capture with words.
As mentioned previously what separates this conference from the rest is the ability to network, and even more importantly, the hosts of the ISMMN Conference ensure that all attendees remain in touch long after the conference. Each person who attends the conference is awarded a prestigious certificate upon their completion and are heavily encouraged to join either the ISM Ministers Network (ISMMN) or the ISM Alumni Association (ISMAA). These two groups ensure that the lessons you learned in your three days in Johannesburg will never be lost to time, and that the friendships and bonds you made with other Ministers can continue long into the future. By putting continued learning at the forefront of their conference’s model, the ISM Ministers Network Conference allows the lessons of the Word of God learned at the conference to be “the gift that keeps on giving.”