The Many Benefits of the Breast Reconstruction Procedure
Life is never easy and everybody has to face some unexpected events. Unfortunately, sometimes, that unexpected, life changing event is cancer. The impact this has on the body is significant, particularly in women who have had breast cancer. Women may have had a mastectomy, for instance, which means her breasts have been removed. Thankfully, if that is the case, women can choose to have a breast reconstruction procedure or a breast implant surgery completed. This means there is no more need for women to feel like less of a woman, instead giving them the chance to look natural and as good as new. For those women who feel they will benefit from this, the procedure is highly effective and very safe. Also some women are having the breast augmentation as well as breast lift to enhance the shape and size of their breasts.
Understanding the Breast Reconstruction Procedure
Many women feel as if their breasts is what makes them look feminine and desirable. But when they lose a breast, or both breasts, to cancer, they often feel as if they have also lost their femininity and part of their identity. That is a significant psychological blow, but one that doesn’t have to be permanent. With breast reconstructions after a mastectomy, women can once again feel like their old self. In fact, it is now offered as standard to women who want it and insurance companies cover the procedure as well. Cancer survivors are courageous and beautiful and if they feel that having a breast reconstruction will help them, then they should be supported in this.
Different procedures exist, all of which have been designed to create a beautiful and natural result. For a breast augmentation in Southlake, TX, surgeons will use as much natural tissue and skin as possible. The added benefit of this is that fat and tissue has to be removed from other parts of the body, thereby creating a natural lift at the same time. For instance, women often find fat and tissue is removed from their belly and/or thighs, thereby also giving them an instant tummy tuck. However, everybody is different and some women prefer to have implants instead of natural tissue, which is another option.
The benefits of these procedures are tremendous. For many women, it gives them a sense of closure. It makes them feel victorious and as if their body may have tried to attack them, but they have come out on top. By having a breast reconstruction, women feel whole again and as if they can take on the world. At the same time, there are those women who feel their breasts tried to kill them and they never want to have them back. What is important to understand is that neither category of women is wrong. It is about what is best for each individual. This is why breast reconstruction is offered to all women, but not all women take their surgeons up on the opportunity, or they may not do so immediately. This is about choice and being able to determine what is best for each individual brave breast cancer survivor.