Top 5 Songs to Listen to When Driving
I regularly make the trip from Washington to Vancouver because my business has offices in each, the drive isn’t too bad and I can usually make it in around 4 hours. Sometimes I travel alone on the trip and sometimes I’ll travel with my partner Dean Kirkland Vancouver WA resident like myself. Now, as much as I do enjoy having my partner in the cockpit with me, talking about the daily events and whatever gossip ahas been going on in the office, I also like to drive alone, and blast out the car stereos with the best albums 2020. There is something special about listening to music in the car, you can sing at the top of your voice without anyone caring, you can boogie as you drive and you can really listen to all aspects of the music. With this in mind, I want to share with you my top 5 songs for driving.
Black Dog – Led Zeppelin
Any car journey with some Led Zeppelin is a good car journey and of all of their songs, this is the one that really gets me going. From the opening line when Robert Plant screams ‘Uh hey hey mama said the way you move, gonna make you sweat gonna make you move,’ I ma instantly transported to a rockers paradise, perfect for a log drive.
Cher – Turn Back Time
In terms of sing-a-long songs that you can get your teeth into, they don’t get much better than Turn Back Time by Cher, the lyrics, the hook, the chorus, it all makes for the perfect driving song, and no matter how many times I listen to it, I never seem to get bored of it.
Bob Dylan – Subterranean Homesick Blues
I have probably listened to this Dylan song more than 1000 times in my life and even now when I hear it, I spot some lyrics which I haven’t noticed before. The way in which Dylan pretty much sums up life in its entirely in just 2 minutes and 21 seconds, is something that will forever blow my mind and I love mohave it in the car with me.
Dizzee Rascal – Fix Up, Look Sharp
I love the UK Grime scene and Dizzee Rascal’s album was the one that started it all in terms f coming to the mainstream. The key track from that album, Fix Up, Look Sharp, is an absolute banger and one which can put a smile on your face from the moment that you get into the car. You may not understand the lyrics, but that really doesn’t matter at all, great song.
Alice in Chains – Junkhead
Grunge was my first love, and Layne Staley’s voice brings it all back to me with this killer song. I love a song which says ‘screw you’ and Junkhead is that song from start to finish. This song instantly transports me back to my teenage years, and I still l love singing it at full blast.